Frequently Asked Questions
How much will it cost?
Prices start at £750 plus VAT but can be a little as £600 for a 6-8 minute local display.
Corporate and public displays start from £1000 plus VAT with pyromusicals from £1500 plus VAT. There is no upper limit!
How long will my display last?
As a guideline you should be looking at £100 per minute - but this is dependant on the type of fireworks that can be used at your venue. It is often better to have a short multi-layered show to give a higher impact and more intense display.
What happens if it rains?
Firework crews are used to getting wet! All the fireworks are adequately protected in the event of wet weather and are therefore not affected.
How much space do I need?
We have access to a wide range of material, some which require 5m and have zero fallout to others which require over 200m. Much will depend on your event and venue. Our over-riding concern is, of course, safety and every display is preceded by a site visit.
Do you offer other services?
Yes! Northern Lights can provide you with a range of merchandise such as light ropes, glow products and sparklers. We can also provide lasers, projectors, smoke and CO2 machines if required.